Employees are encouraged to first discuss any compliance matters internally with a senior management member. If such measures are not deemed to be sufficient, incidents may be reported through the whistleblowing channel.
Reports received through the integrity channel will initially be received and handled by an independent third party; the advisory and audit firm KPMG. KPMG is dedicated to maintaining high ethical standards and will handle all submissions with confidentiality. AMSC’s CFO is responsible for the handling of raised concerns within AMSC.
By choosing one of the reporting options above, the person raising the concern may remain anonymous. However, conducting an investigation and other follow up activities is more likely to be successful if the person reporting reveals its identity. Anyone raising a concern may also remain anonymous towards AMSC, disclosing its identity to KPMG only.
After processing the reported concern, KPMG will make an initial report to AMSC’s CFO who will then assess the report. If the report is in the nature of an allegation that requires investigation, an investigation team will be assembled under the supervision of the Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Unless the person reporting the concern has chosen to remain anonymous to all parties, it shall receive a case response within a reasonable time. All incidents logged are formally closed by the Audit Committee.